Lent begins next week on Ash Wednesday, March 2. During Lent, our focus as a school will be on the three pillars of Lent--prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
We are participating in the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl, a program that will help our students and their families experience Lenten spirituality in solidarity with people in need around the world. The idea is to collect money for the poor; perhaps quarters for odd jobs around the house, money saved by giving up dessert one night, etc. Inside the rice bowl there is a Lenten calendar with thoughts and Lenten ideas for each day throughout the six weeks of Lent.
As a family you can visit crsricebowl.org to view videos of people whose lives are touched by your support of the CRS Rice Bowl. We will be collecting the Rice Bowls during Holy Week and sending our donations to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for using these with your families this Lent.