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Catholic Schools Week


Next week is Catholic Schools Week! Mark your calendars with the schedule~

Saturday, 1/29 and Sunday, 1/30: We celebrate our Parish - We will have student readers at every Mass and some of our families will be bringing up the gifts at Masses

Monday, 1/31: We celebrate our staff, volunteers, parents and parish - Students will write thank you cards to their parents. Signs will be posted outside to recognize and thank our parish community for supporting Catholic education.

Tuesday, 2/1: We celebrate our students - Students will have special events in their classrooms, a non-uniform day, and no homework!

Wednesday, 2/2: We celebrate our community - During the week, all classes will help assemble Blessing Bundles.

Thursday, 2/3: We celebrate vocations - Students will hear Father Angel's vocation story at Mass, and show their appreciation for our priests and deacons.

Friday, 2/4: We celebrate our nation - Students will participate in making Valentine's for Vets.


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